import pyromat as pyro import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Rankine cycle analysis # # A Rankine cycle is a closed loop usually using water as the working # fluid. A low-pressure reservoir contains liquid. The liquid is # pumped into a high pressure boiler, where steam is generated. # Optionally, the steam is further super-heated beyond its saturation # temperature. The steam is then passed through a turbine (or piston) # where useful work is extracted. Finally, waste heat is rejected and # the remaining steam is condensed into liquid before being returned # to the reservoir. # # (1 Reservoir) --> |Feed water pump| --> (2) --> |Boiler| --> (3) # ^ | # | | # |Condenser| <-- (5) <-- |Turbine| <-- (4) <-- |Superheater| <- # # Given the high and low pressures, this code determines the processes # so that the turbine exit (5) is precisely saturated steam. # Use different color codes to change the color of the plots color = 'r' # Red #color = 'b' # Blue # This is a True/False flag to deactivate the plot text show_text = True # This is a True/False flag to allow over-plotting of previous results clear_plots = False # Liquid water reservoir is at ambient pressure p1 = 1.013 # Operating pressure of the boiler p2 = 18.3 # 18.3 bar is roughly 250 psig #p2 = 11.4 # 11.4 bar is roughly 150 psig # How much work do we need? Wnet = 100. # Let's make a 100kW engine # Get the steam data steam = pyro.get('mp.H2O') # Assume the reservoir is a saturated liquid, as it would likely # be coming out of the condenser. In reality some supercooling # is likely, but we will neglect it here. # States (5) and (1) will straddle the dome T1 = steam.Ts(p1) p5=p1 # Since it is spanning the done, (5) and (1) share T and p T5=T1 h1,h5 = steam.hs(T=T1) s1,s5 = d1,d5 = steam.ds(T=T1) # Isentropic compression of liquid water # It is common to assume that T1=T2 since liquid is very close # to incompressible. To compare results, remove the comment # from the second line below. T2 = steam.T_s(p=p2,s=s1) #T2 = T1 h2,s2,d2 = steam.hsd(T=T2,p=p2) # The boiler will span the dome # s2s, h2s, and T2s are the points where the process enters the dome T3 = steam.Ts(p=p2) p3 = p2 p2s = p2 T2s = T3 s2s,s3 = # these are faster with T and p h2s,h3 = steam.hs(T=T3) # specified d2s,d3 = steam.ds(T=T3) # The turbine is an isentropic expansion to the low pressure # The superheater will end with the same entropy as s5 p4 = p3 T4 = steam.T_s(s=s5,p=p4) h4,s4,d4 = steam.hsd(T=T4,p=p4) # State (5) is already determined # All the states are known, now. # # How much work did the feed water pump do? # This might also be approximated as volume flow times # pressure change. w12 = -(h2-h1) # How much heat did the boiler add? q23 = h3-h2 # How much heat did the superheater add? q34 = h4-h3 # How much work did the turbine produce w45 = -(h5-h4) # How much heat is rejected by the condenser? q51 = h1-h5 # calculate the net work per kg of water wnet = w45 + w12 # calculate the total heat addition qh = q23 + q34 # calculate the mass flow required to size the engine mdot = Wnet/wnet # calculate the engine's efficiency n = wnet/qh # heats Qboil = q23 * mdot Qsuper = q34 * mdot # Generate some diagrams # Let figure 1 be a T-s diagram f1 = plt.figure(1) if clear_plots: plt.clf() ax1 = f1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_xlabel('Entropy, s (kJ/kg/K)') ax1.set_ylabel('Temperature, T (K)') ax1.set_title('Rankine Cycle T-s Diagram') # Let figure 2 be a P-v diagram f2 = plt.figure(2) if clear_plots: plt.clf() ax2 = f2.add_subplot(111) ax2.set_ylabel('Pressure, p (bar)') ax2.set_xlabel('Volume, v (m$^3$/kg)') ax2.set_title('Rankine Cycle p-v Diagram') # Generate the dome on both plots Tt,pt = steam.triple() Tc,pc = steam.critical() T = np.arange(Tt,Tc,2.5) p = dL,dV = steam.ds(T=T) sL,sV = ax1.plot(sL,T,'k') ax1.plot(sV,T,'k') ax2.plot(1./dL,p,'k') ax2.plot(1./dV,p,'k') # Process 1-2 (isentropic compression of a liquid) p = np.array([p1,p2]) T = np.array([T1,T2]) d = np.array([d1,d2]) s = np.array([s1,s2]) ax1.plot(s,T,color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot(1./d,p,color,linewidth=1.5) # Process 2-2s (constant-p heat until saturation) T = np.linspace(T2,T2s,10) p = p2 * np.ones(T.shape) s = steam.s(T=T,p=p) s[-1] = s2s # force the last points to be liquid - not vapor d[-1] = d2s # force the last points to be liquid - not vapor d = steam.d(T=T,p=p) ax1.plot(s,T,color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot(1./d,p,color,linewidth=1.5) # Process 2s-3 (constant-p boiling) ax1.plot([s2s,s3],[T2s,T3],color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot([1./d2s, 1./d3],[p2s,p3],color,linewidth=1.5) # Process 3-4 (constant-p superheating) T = np.linspace(T3,T4,20) p = p3*np.ones(T.shape) s = steam.s(T=T,p=p) d = steam.d(T=T,p=p) s[0] = s3 d[0] = d3 ax1.plot(s,T,color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot(1./d,p,color,linewidth=1.5) # process 4-5 (isentropic expansion) ax1.plot([s4,s5],[T4,T5],color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot([1./d4,1./d5],[p4,p5],color,linewidth=1.5) #p = np.linspace(p4,p5,20) #T = np.zeros(p.shape) #for index in range(p.size): # T[index],_ = steam.psolve(p=p[index],s=s4) #d = steam.d(T=T,p=p) #s = steam.s(T=T,p=p) #ax1.plot(s,T,'r',linewidth=1.5) #ax2.plot(1./d,p,'r',linewidth=1.5) # process 5-1 (constant-p heat rejection) # add the line across the dome ax1.plot([s1,s5],[T1, T5],color,linewidth=1.5) ax2.plot([1./d1,1./d5],[p1,p5],color,linewidth=1.5) # Add some labels if show_text: ax1.text(s1-2.5,T1, """(1) T={0:.1f}K s={1:.3f}kJ/kg/K (2) T={2:.1f}K s={3:.3f}kJ/kg/K""".format(float(T1),float(s1),float(T2),float(s2))) ax1.text(s3-3,T3+20, """(3) T={0:.1f}K s={1:.3f}kJ/kg/K""".format(float(T3),float(s3))) ax1.text(s4+.2,T4-100, """(4) T={0:.1f}K s={1:.3f}kJ/kg/K""".format(float(T4),float(s4))) ax1.text(s5+.2,T5, """(5) T={0:.1f}K s={1:.3f}kJ/kg/K""".format(float(T5),float(s5))) v = 1./d1 ax2.text(v,p1/5., """(1) p={0:.2f}bar v={1:f}m$^3$/kg""".format(float(p1),float(v))) v = 1./d2 ax2.text(v*1.5,p2*1.1, """(2) p={0:.2f}bar v={1:f}m$^3$/kg""".format(float(p2),float(v))) v = 1./d3 ax2.text(v,p3, """(3) p={0:.2f}bar v={1:f}m$^3$/kg (4) p={2:.2f}bar v={3:f}m$^3$/kg""".format(float(p3),float(v),float(p4),float(1./d4))) v = 1./d5 ax2.text(v/5,p5/5, """(5) p={0:.2f}bar v={1:f}m$^3$/kg""".format(float(p5),float(v))) ax1.text(-.5,575,"""$\dot{{m}}$ = {0:.3f}kg/s $\eta$ = {1:.3f} $\dot{{W}}_{{NET}}$ = {2:.0f}kW $\dot{{Q}}_{{BOIL}}$ = {3:.1f}kW $\dot{{Q}}_{{SUPER}}$ = {4:.1f}kW""".format(float(mdot),float(n),float(Wnet),float(Qboil),float(Qsuper))) ax1.grid('on') ax2.grid('on') ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_yscale('log') ax1.set_xlim([-2,10]) ax1.set_ylim([300,800]) # adjust the volume scale ax2.set_xlim([5e-4, 10]) ax2.set_ylim([.01,1000.])